
Can I Combine my Facelift With Other Cosmetic Surgeries?

Dec 6, 2022

Thank you, gravity! You pin our atmosphere down so we have air to breathe. You keep us from being sucked into outer space at any given moment.

But while you keep us grounded, you don’t keep us looking young. You tug at our faces and necks, and when we catch glimpses of ourselves in the bathroom mirror, we see our wrinkles and sagging skin. We realize that every moment would be an existential crisis without you, but we wish you could somehow fuse your physics properties with the Fountain of Youth for a combination deal.

Can I Combine my Facelift With Other Cosmetic Surgeries

(Anna Shvets/Pexels)

In the vein of Sir Isaac Newton, we want falling apples to land on the ground. However, we also want to look young and vibrant.

If you find yourself cursing gravity from time to time, our team at Lexington Plastic Surgery has good news for you. There are a number of procedures that can help reverse the pull of gravity and the signs of aging. Perhaps the most well-known of them is the facelift, but there are many more. And if you are considering a facelift, you might consider combining it with some of these other procedures for maximum benefit.

Why combine plastic surgery procedures?

Minimizes risk and hassle

Even though modern anesthesia is very safe, there is always some degree of risk involved. Why go under anesthesia medications more than once if you can avoid it?

And aside from the health concerns, there are also the convenience concerns. Life is full, and finding the time for surgery is not easy. You’ll need to square away work obligations and make sure you have someone to drive you home after the procedure. Parents of young children (or pets) will need to coordinate care. You may want to prepare a few meals and make sure the house is tidy so you can rest easy after your procedure.

Dovetailing procedures can make sure that you’re not creating any more health risks or hassle in your life than necessary. All of these things can be done once rather than repeatedly with different procedures.

Consolidates recovery time

Let’s say that you combine a neck and face lift. Both have similar recovery periods. When you get both procedures done at once, healing can happen simultaneously. That’s less downtime for you than if you were to get the procedures done separately.

Saves money

Combining procedures can cut down on certain costs, including anesthesia and facility fees.

What are the best procedures to combine?

Let’s start by defining the facelift, and then we’ll look at additional procedures that can be performed in tandem.

A facelift can smooth out deep wrinkles, sharpen your facial contours, get rid of sagging skin, and tighten loose facial muscles so they have the same “pull” as they used to have. Facelifts can get rid of forehead wrinkles, the vertical lines that run along the front of your cheekbones and chin (Marionette lines), and the lines between your nose and upper lip.

There are different types of facelifts. A full facelift will tighten the face from forehead to chin. A mid-facelift will tighten the area from the cheekbones to the upper jaw. If you think of your face in thirds, the mid-facelift will elevate the bottom two-thirds of the face.

If jowls are your main concern, a mini facelift is helpful for tightening that extra skin around the jaw.

Brow lift

If you have forehead wrinkles, droopy eyebrows or heavy skin that forms a hood over your eyes, a brow lift can restore a youthful look to the top part of your face.

Eyelid surgery

If you’re mostly concerned about hooded eyelids, this procedure is simpler than the full brow lift and can eliminate that drooping skin above your eyes.

Neck lift

If your facial skin is sagging, chances are your neck skin is, too. When you combine a face and neck lift, you can infuse youth into everything from the shoulders up. A neck lift can restore the elegant contours of your chin and neck and eliminate “turkey neck” and a double chin. The neck lift can be paired with different procedures like liposuction (to eliminate excess fat), laser treatment or Botox to eliminate wrinkles, and Kybella to deactivate fat cells that contribute to a double chin.

Facial fat grafting

Perhaps you’ve tried filler in the past but want more volume or a more permanent result. Or maybe you have weak features such as small cheekbones or thin lips or a weak chin or jawline that don’t provide the contours you desire. Autologous structural fat grafting (using your own tissue) can be customized to enhance your facial features in conjunction with a facelift.

Laser resurfacing

While a face and neck lift can tighten up your face, it can’t change blemishes on the skin, such as age spots, or the amount of collagen which contributes to youthful appearance. Laser resurfacing can reduce discoloration and also help smooth out surface wrinkles.

All of these procedures can be combined with a facelift for beautiful, natural-looking results. Though gravity is real, and the Fountain of Youth isn’t, there are still plenty of ways to stay looking young and fresh. Rather than approaching these procedures piecemeal, talk to Dr. Gerstle about combining facelifts, neck lifts, and other procedures at our Lexington surgery center.

We have performed countless facelifts for Lexington and Louisville residents, and many have been combined with other cosmetic surgery procedures. We consistently receive top reviews for our commitment to safety, health, and impeccable results. We can help you know what procedures you may be a candidate for and which can be combined to save you time, hassle, and money and minimize your health risks.


Facelift surgery is ideal if you want to restore a younger-looking complexion. Not only will it smooth and firm creases and loose skin on your face and neck, but you can achieve dramatic results even more when combined with additional cosmetic procedures! To help illustrate this further, check out this infographic which outlines the most popular aesthetic treatments that pair perfectly with a facelift.

5 Ideas for Cosmetic Enhancements Infographic
