
Don’t Leave it to the Ladies: Why Neck Lift Surgery is for Men, Too

Jul 4, 2023

Alright, men. It’s time to talk about the elephant in the room (or should we say turkey?). When you hear the word “turkey,” your mind probably goes to the one your mother-in-law makes you carve every year at Thanksgiving. But guess what? That loose skin hanging out on your neck–that’s turkey neck. And that sagging under your chin? Turkey wattle. Doesn’t sound quite as tasty.

These common but irritating symptoms of aging, among others, are what bring men to Lexington Plastic Surgery on a daily. Guys want to know: is a neck lift just for the ladies, or can men benefit from them too? Our Kentucky plastic surgeons are here to assure you that if you want to keep the turkey on your plate and off your neck, this procedure might just be for you.

Reasons Why Men Undergo Neck Lift Procedures

Source: Photo Contributor: Aleksandr Rybalko

Reasons Why Men Undergo Neck Lift Procedures

If you’ve been wondering, “Can neck lift procedures help men, too?” you’re not alone. Though it might come as a shock, more and more men are turning to plastic surgeons to improve their appearance, boost their confidence, and increase their quality of life. These men are typically between the ages of 30 and 70, though we’ve seen this trend push both ends of the spectrum.

The most popular reasons that bring men to our plastic surgeons seeking a neck lift are:

  • Turkey neck: wrinkled and droopy skin around the neck due to weakened muscles and loss of skin elasticity.
  • Turkey wattle: excess skin that hangs below the chin, giving the appearance of a turkey’s wattle.
  • Jowling: excess skin in the neck, chin, or lower cheek area, often creating a double chin or lines that run from the mouth’s corners to the chin.
  • Wrinkles: neck lifts can significantly reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles by tightening the skin in the neck area.

How Does a Neck Lift Procedure Vary Between Men and Women?

Though the procedure treats many of the same conditions between men and women, the process can differ slightly based on a person’s gender. For example, men may need more skin removed or tightened during a neck lift operation because the skin in that area is heavier than that of a female. Additionally, due to the thicker skin in the procedural area, the recovery time for men can be a bit longer than it would be for women.

What to Expect Before, During, and After a Neck Lift Procedure

During your initial consultation, your plastic surgeon will assess your current health conditions, medical history, and goals for the procedure’s results. You’ll also have a chance to view neck lift before and after photos so that you can have a better idea of what results you can expect. After getting better acquainted with you (and your neck), they’ll let you know how you can prepare for your surgery. This will probably include avoiding certain medications, along with drinking and smoking. You might also need to avoid sun exposure and any supplements that might cause blood thinning, and you’ll definitely need to be well-hydrated.

When the big day arrives, you’ll be placed under general anesthesia for the surgery, which typically lasts a few hours. Your surgeon will remove and tighten excess skin and may combine a neck lift and liposuction for additional contouring.

Following your procedure, you’ll probably be advised to wear your compression garment and/or bandages for several days to ensure proper healing. You’ll experience mild swelling and bruising and can treat pain with over-the-counter pain relievers. Although the complete healing process generally takes several weeks, most patients can return to work in about two weeks. However, it’s essential to take the time to heal correctly and avoid overly strenuous movements such as working out or heavy lifting until your surgeon has given you the green light.

Once recovery is complete, patients report not only looking but also feeling years younger. Try not to feel too disheartened if you don’t see immediate results. It is not uncommon for full results to take up to six months for swelling to disappear and results to fully develop.

What to Expect Before, During, and After a Neck Lift Procedure

Source: Photo Contributor: New Africa


Why should the ladies have all the fun (and good looks)? Times are changing, and more and more men are realizing that they, too, can achieve a younger, more contoured appearance through neck lift surgery here in Lexington. Men who undergo this treatment feel an incredible confidence boost and note a much more professional appearance–a win in our book! So, if you’re ready to leave the turkey on the table, contact our team of board-certified plastic surgeons to schedule your consultation today.