
Facelift or Filler: Which is Right for Me?

Feb 23, 2023

If you stand in front of the mirror squinting, pulling at different parts of your face, trying to remember what you looked like before you were graced with all the wrinkles that seem to show up more defined every time you blink, you might be wondering what your next step should be: facelift or filler?

Both facelifts and fillers can help you counter the effects of aging. Let’s explore both to compare and contrast the procedures, recovery, results, and more.

Facelift or Filler: Which is Right for Me


What is a Facelift?

A facelift is a major surgery. The facial features are restructured to combat the atrophy of bone and fatty tissue that has naturally happened over the years. Skin is tightened over the reconstructed face to eliminate wrinkles.

What is a Filler?

Fillers focus more on addressing wrinkles. Fillers are injections of hyaluronic acid that are used to plump up specific areas. Wrinkles on the forehead or around the mouth or eyes can be tightened with a filler procedure.

Procedure Time

Fillers are much less invasive procedures than facelifts. A facelift typically requires general anesthesia, and you should plan to stay at the office for three to five hours. Fillers take only a few minutes to complete.


Fillers require little to no downtime for recovery after the procedure.

Recovery from a facelift is more intense. Immediately following the procedure, you will want to take it easy for a couple of weeks. Most patients take around three weeks off of work. You will experience bruising, swelling, and some pain during the recovery period after your facelift.

Your skin and the incisions will also require time to heal, so plan on avoiding vigorous exercise for a couple of months. You will want to avoid direct sunlight on your face for several months following a facelift; hats will be very helpful.


You can plan on a filler lasting approximately a year, while facelifts will last much longer. Results from your facelift will last anywhere from 7 to 15 years, but a lot of factors play into where you’ll land on that spectrum. Sun exposure, genetics, and age are all variables that could help it last longer or cut it shorter.

While filler procedures can be repeated annually, over time, they will become less effective and may start to produce unnatural results.


With fillers, you pay for the amount of filler used. The total cost will depend on the amount of work you want to be performed. Facelifts typically have a higher price tag, as you pay for the surgery, anesthesia, and operating room.

While fillers may have a slower cost up front, consider how often you plan on touching up your fillers. A yearly appointment may be less cost-effective than a facelift over time.


A facelift procedure leaves minor scars around the ear area. Most women are able to hide the scars with their hair. Fillers are less invasive and don’t require major incisions like facelifts do. They may leave very minor scars but will most likely not leave any visible scarring from the injection.

Are you a candidate?

The right candidate for a filler is someone who only has minor signs of aging. They work for those who are looking to smooth out some wrinkles for a more youthful appearance. Those who aren’t ready for a whole facelift could benefit from fillers until aging is more significant.

An ideal facelift candidate is someone who wants more intense results. The candidate should still have some elasticity in their skin and should be in good health. Strong features are not necessary for a successful facelift, but they help prolong the results.

For either procedure, the candidate should be someone who is looking to enhance their natural beauty in a way that will help improve their self-esteem, mental health, and even physical health. Looking your best contributes significantly to your psychological well-being, and that translates to better health overall. Essentially, when you look good, you feel good.

The right way for you to gain a more youthful look, whether it is a facelift or filler, is a personal decision. If you are in the Lexington or Louisville, Kentucky, area and would like to further discuss your facelift or filler options, give our office a call. We can schedule a consultation to help you feel comfortable about your choices.


Fillers and facelifts are two distinct instances of anti-aging advances. Fillers need far less physical effort than facelifts. Facelift requires general anesthesia, and you should plan to stay in the clinic for three to five hours. You must determine whether a facelift or fillers are the best way for you. Let’s evaluate both to compare and weigh the healing, approaches, outcomes, and other elements.

8 Things You Need to Know About Facelifts and Fillers Infographic
