
How long does a facelift typically last, and are there ways to make one last longer?

Apr 27, 2023

While there is no way to actually turn back the hands of time, a facelift is a great way to reverse some of the negative cosmetic effects of aging. But, like any cosmetic surgery, a facelift is an investment. So, how long can someone expect a facelift to last? Keep reading as some of our readers answer that question and share some tips on making a facelift last as long as possible.
Michelle Gilmore

Michelle Gilmore

Five To Ten Years Depending On Lifestyle And Skin Type

A facelift can last five to ten years, depending on the individual’s skin type and lifestyle.

To make a facelift last longer, it is important to keep the skin well-hydrated, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays by wearing sunscreen and hats. Regular skin care and anti-aging treatments can also help prolong the results of a facelift.

Ten Years With Proper Maintenance

The duration of a facelift can vary, depending on the type and extent of the procedure. Generally, the results of a facelift can last up to ten years or more with proper maintenance.

To maintain these long-term results, it’s important to practice good skin care habits such as sun protection, moisturizing, and avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption.

Other ways to help extend the results of a facelift include avoiding facial expressions that create wrinkles, such as frowning, smiling too wide, or squinting. It’s also important to maintain a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables [and] stay hydrated with enough water intake.

Fred Hoffman

Fred Hoffman

Founder & Chief Editor at .
Jason Shiers

Jason Shiers

Certified Psychotherapist at .

Five To Ten Years With Regular Visits

A facelift normally lasts between five and ten years; however, the time frame might change based on the quality of the treatment, genetics, and lifestyle choices.

People may prolong the effects of a facelift by leading a healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking, using sunscreen, and thinking about non-surgical procedures like Botox or dermal fillers. Regular follow-up visits [with] a trained plastic surgeon can also assist in guaranteeing the results’ durability.

Several Years With A Healthy Lifestyle

A facelift can last for several years when done correctly. To make it last longer, you should wear sunscreen, quit smoking, and avoid other activities that could cause premature aging. Additionally, you should limit sun exposure and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Farhan Advani

Farhan Advani

Co-Founder at .

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