
How to Hide Facelift Scars?

Jul 11, 2023

Facelift surgery, known as “rhytidectomy”, is a popular cosmetic procedure. It may help rejuvenate the face by reducing signs of aging, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and jowls. Although the surgery may provide excellent results, it does leave some scars. So, many of you may wonder how to hide facelift scars?

This article will go through some effective techniques and tips for hiding scars after facelift surgery. Keep reading to learn several steps that can be taken to hide facelift scars and promote faster healing.

Effective Techniques to Hide and Minimize Facelift Scars

Source: Photo Contributor: Yuliya Loginova

How to Hide Facelift Scars

Any facelift surgery aims to achieve natural-looking results with minimal scarring. There are several ways to mask facelift scars. Some of them include covering with makeup, while others can be easily hidden with a hairstyle.

But first, you have to understand the different types of facelift scars.

Facelift scars and their visibility

Traditional facelift incisions

The traditional facelift technique involves incisions made in front and behind the ears, extending into the hairline. These incisions are generally well hidden with the natural creases of the face. So, when they fully heal, their visibility is minimal. The scar in front of the ears might be noticeable after surgery, but it fades with time.

Mini facelift incisions

A mini facelift is a less invasive version of the traditional facelift and involves smaller incisions. Typically, the incisions are limited to the area around the ears, resulting in smaller scars that you can easily cover. These types of scars have minimal visibility, especially when fully healed.

Mid-facelift incisions

In a mid-facelift, the incisions are made around the temples, within the hairline. These scars heal over time and become almost invisible.

Endoscopic facelift incisions

An endoscopic facelift uses small incisions and a camera-assisted technique to lift and tighten the deeper face layers. The incisions are hidden within the hairline and have minimal visibility.

Incisions can sometimes be made around the mouth or the ears based on the client’s needs. In this case, the visibility may vary. You should talk to your surgeon for more information.

Hairline or pretrichial incisions

Some facelift techniques involve making incisions along the hairline or the pretrichial region. These incisions are typically placed within the natural hairline to minimize their visibility. The scars from these incisions can blend with the hair and eventually disappear.

Posterior facelift incisions

This facelift involves making incisions behind the ears and in the lower scalp area. These incisions are hidden within the natural folds of the head, resulting in minimal visibility when fully healed. The scars in the lower scalp area are covered by the hair, minimizing their visibility.

Neck lift incisions

During a neck lift, incisions are made either under the chin alone or with incisions behind the ears. Those incisions under the chain are less visible and blend with the natural creases. The incisions behind the ears might be more noticeable at the start but fade with time.

Neck lift incisions

Source: Photo Contributor: Svitlana Hulko

Scar management techniques recommended by surgeons

Surgeons recommend these scar coverage techniques post facelift:

Follow post-operative instructions

If you want your facelift to be successful, you must follow the post-operative instructions of your surgeon. Common instructions are: 

  • Keep the incision site clean
  • Avoid direct sunlight
  • Stop smoking and consuming alcohol during the healing process
  • Take prescribed medications or supplements 

Following these instructions are crucial in reducing scars.

Apply silicone-based scar gels or sheets

Plastic surgeons widely recommend these products to reduce the scars’ visibility. Silicone-based scar gels and sheets create a protective barrier on the scar, hydrating and preventing it from drying out. Regularly applying these gels and sheets may help reduce the scar’s size, color, and texture.

Use topical scar creams

Topical creams formulated specifically for scars can be an additional tool to hide and improve the appearance of facelift scars

These creams usually contain ingredients like vitamin E, silicone, aloe vera, and onion extract, which have been shown to benefit scar remodeling. Massaging the cream onto the scarred area may improve blood circulation, break down scar tissue, and help minimize the appearance of scars.

Try silicone scar strips

These are adhesive strips made of medical-grade silicone. You can apply them directly onto the incision site. These strips may help flatten the scar, regulate collagen production, and reduce redness and discoloration. They are convenient to use and can be cut to fit the desired area of your face.

Massage the scars

Gentle massage of the scars may help stimulate blood circulation, break down scar tissue, and improve skin elasticity. During the massage, natural oils, like rosehip oil, coconut oil, or vitamin E oil, may enhance healing and minimize the scar appearance. Before applying any oil, make sure the incisions have fully closed.

Surgeons recommend starting with massaging two to three weeks after surgery since the scar has healed enough to handle massaging.

Protect the scars from excessive sun exposure

Sun exposure can darken and worsen the appearance of scars. It is essential to protect your facelift scars from direct sunlight. You can use sunscreen with a high SPF or wear a hat or scarf when outdoors. 

Applying sunscreen containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide is recommended. These ingredients provide superior UVA and UVB protection.

Opt for laser treatments

Laser treatments, such as pulsed-dye laser therapy or fractional laser resurfacing, may significantly reduce the appearance of facelift scars. These treatments promote collagen remodeling, reduce redness, and improve skin texture. 

Yet, it is crucial to consult with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon before undergoing laser treatment. They can determine the best approach for your scars.

Consider scar revision surgery

Scar revision surgery may be necessary in some cases. This surgery may improve the appearance of the facelift scars. It is important to discuss with your surgeon if you need this option.

Be patient

Finally, remember that scars need time to heal and fade. The visibility of the scars depends on the individual, scar location, and surgical technique. It is always best to let your scars heal by themselves before exploring invasive solutions.

Scar management techniques recommended by surgeons

Source: Photo Contributor: SvetlanaFedoseyeva

Makeup and camouflage techniques to conceal scars

Although facelift scars concern many women, with the right makeup techniques and camouflage products, these scars can be hidden successfully. 


It is important to understand that your scar must be fully healed before applying makeup. Consult with your surgeon when it is safe to start applying makeup.


First, you should apply moisturizer or primer to the scar area. This will create a base for the makeup.

Color correction

Depending on the color of your scar, you may need to adjust the makeup color. For example, if the scar is red or pink, you can use a green color corrector to neutralize the color. Apply a small amount of color corrector on and around the scar, and gently blend it out using your fingers or a makeup brush.


Choose a foundation that matches your skin tone and provides good coverage. Apply it evenly over the scar area using a brush. Make sure to blend the foundation well, ensuring a transition between the scar and the surrounding skin.


Use a high-coverage concealer that matches your skin tone to hide your scar further. Put a small amount of concealer directly on the scar and gently blend it out with a brush or your fingertips.

Use a translucent powder

Set your makeup with a translucent powder to make it last longer. Gently put powder over the scar with a brush.

Contour and highlight

Contour your face using a contour powder or cream. This way, you will draw attention away from the scar.

Finishing touches 

Complete your look with other products like blush, eyeshadow, and lipstick. 

Hairstyles to hide facelift scars

A layered lob

This hairstyle is the ideal one after a facelift. You should wear hairstyles that make you look younger. This hairstyle is not too long or short, and it suits almost every face shape. Layers look fresh with almost no effort and, most importantly, disguise healing scars.

A medium-length hairstyle

This hairstyle is a combination of lob and shag cut. Do a lob length, a shag textured cut, cheekbone fringes, and collarbone layers.

Proper wound care to minimize scarring

When you have a wound from surgery, your body works to repair the wound. It is natural for some wounds to leave scars. 

The following are some tips for reducing the appearance of scars:

  • Always keep your scar clean – washing the wound with water and a mild soap is essential;
  • Use a product that will keep your wound moist – petroleum jelly is often used for moisturizing wounds and injuries; your surgeon will recommend what is the right product for you;
  • Change your bandage – if your wound is covered with bandages, you need to change it daily;
  • Apply sunscreen to the wound when healed – sun protection might reduce discoloration and help the scar vanish faster.

Long-term scar care and the importance of sun protection

UV radiation from the sun makes scars become pigmented and more visible. To ensure long-term scar care, here are some important steps to follow:


Apply sunscreen with a high SPF (at least 30) to the scar when exposed to the sun. make sure to choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays.

Protective clothing

Cover the scar with clothing or accessories like hats or scarves to protect the scar from the sun.

Avoid peak sun hours

Try to limit sun exposure during the peak hours when the sun is strongest.

Seek shade

When outdoors, seek shade to minimize direct sun exposure to the scarred area.

Avoid peak sun hours

Source: Photo Contributor: StoryTime Studio

Frequently Asked Questions

Do facelift scars go away?

Once you have learned how to hide facelift scars, it is important to understand that generally, it takes about six months for the facelift scars to go away completely. Any visible scar changes color from pinkish to skin color over time.

What happens 10 years after a facelift?

A facelift lasts for 8-10 years. After that, women may notice signs of aging, like wrinkles, creases, and drooping skin.