To lift, or not to lift: that is the question:
Whether ‘tis nobler in mind to suffer
The drooping and sagging of encroaching age,
Or to take arms against a sea of wrinkles,
And by opposing, tighten them? To sleep: perchance to dream;
Of a more youthful appearance: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of recovery, what cost may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil of loose skin,
It must give us pause.
The onset of aging skin can feel like a Shakespearean tragedy with all of the tears and none of the romance. One day you’re young and carefree, and the next, you’re desperately massaging pricey lotions, serums, and creams into every square inch of your body to combat the wicked lines and sagging skin.
It’s exhausting. And usually, no matter how vigilant you are, the results fall short. When patients visit our Lexington plastic surgeons for a neck lift consultation, it’s generally because they’ve already tried every product and practice the internet has to offer. Most have spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on products that promise results they never see.
Not surprisingly, many soon find themselves wondering if a neck lift surgery might be worth the cost after all. So, our Kentucky plastic surgeons are here to shed some light on the puzzling conundrum: “To lift or not to lift?”

Counting the Cost
One of the first questions asked during a consultation, and understandably so, is, “How much does a neck lift cost?” The short answer: upwards of $4,000. However, this is better answered by scheduling a consultation with your local plastic surgeon. The price of a neck treatment can vary dramatically depending on the goals you wish to achieve, the current condition of your skin, and the treatment(s) you choose. Many patients also choose to combine their neck lift procedure with other surgeries, which can actually cut your costs since you’ll only pay for one round of anesthesia.
How Long Do Neck Lifts Last?
Another oft-asked question is, “Are neck lifts permanent?” While a neck lift cannot stop the aging process for the rest of your life (you’ll need a princess with magic, glowing hair for that), the work done during a neck lift will continue to bestow a more youthful appearance, even as you continue to age. Most neck lifts last at least 10 to 15 years.
What is Recovery from a Neck Lift Surgery Like?
Besides worrying about the initial cost of a neck lift procedure, some are concerned about how much time they’ll need to take off from work to give their body time to heal safely. We recommend taking several days to rest following the operation and about four to six weeks to fully recover. Your surgeon will let you know when it’s safe to resume normal activity and return to work.
What Results Can I Expect from a Neck Lift Procedure?
We’re glad you asked. A neck lift treatment can be a game-changer for your appearance. These procedures target a wide range of issues. Whether you’d like to define your jawline for a more youthful contour, tighten loose skin, minimize excess neck fat, or get rid of that pesky double chin, you can be sure that a neck lift will go a long way in improving your appearance and restoring your confidence.
Additionally, the scarring from a neck lift procedure is minimal. A skilled surgeon will take care to hide the incision site so that it is undetectable.
Non-Surgical Alternatives
For those who aren’t quite ready for a neck lift surgery or aren’t seeking drastic results, non-surgical neck lift alternatives might suit you. These include Botox, a fast and noninvasive way to smooth neck banding. Kybella is an injectable solution to minimize double chins or fillers to minimize lines and wrinkles. While these treatments are less expensive and invasive than a neck lift, it’s important to note that they are temporary and usually require ongoing treatments to maintain results.
The best way to determine if a neck lift procedure is right for you is to schedule a consultation with a reputable plastic surgeon. During the consultation, you can discuss your goals, look through before and after photos, and calculate the cost of your preferred treatment. Ready to feel more comfortable and confident in your skin? Book your consultation today.